Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a strategy for managing pests that is informed, long-term and sustainable. It is a science occupying a field of study in colleges and universities, and volumes have been written on the subject.
The purpose of this Countywide IPM Program (Program) is to provide enough IPM principles, useful information, resources, and support to allow managers of County facilities to successfully manage pests and apply fertilizers at the facility with minimum or no adverse impacts to the environment, including surface water. This Information establishes new requirements for County employees and vendors as well as reaffirms existing ones.
These requirements are found throughout this site and presented as a summary. The site contains a considerable amount of information on pesticides, among other things. However, it is not a comprehensive guide to pesticide use, nor or does it constitute the pesticide safety training required by state law.
Certain County departments have large scale or highly specialized pest management needs which fall outside the scope of this general, countywide program. For these situations, additional programs have been or will be developed which adhere to the basic tenets and principles of quality IPM.
Los Angeles County is committed to responsible and sustainable vegetation management for various County facilities including roads, flood control systems, County-owned buildings, parks, hillside and habitat restoration areas. Uncontrolled vegetation growth, especially that of invasive species, adversely impacts native habitat, water resources, soils, infrastructure, and can increase fire risk.
Los Angeles County conducts vegetation management activities without the use of glyphosate-based products while protecting and maintaining the County’s properties and facilities in a manner that is sustainable for its workers, community, and the environment. Los Angeles County uses non-glyphosate-based herbicides in combination with other methods where mechanical and other weed abatement strategies alone are ineffective. Learn more about managing weeds.

The Integrated Pest Management Program includes:
County of Los Angeles, Integrated Pest Management (IPM)