In order to prevent the spread of Alligatorweed, a non-indigenous and highly invasive aquatic plant, the Director of the California Department of Food and Agriculture has designated all of Los Angeles County as an Alligatorweed Eradication Area[1]. Within the county, the Agricultural Commissioner has imposed a Notice to Hold (Notice) covering areas of the county where Alligatorweed detections continue to be a possibility. In these areas, no plants, soil or other carriers of alligatorweed may be moved except under a permit. This means no vehicles, equipment, grading, construction, repairs, etc., in the area without a permit. If any of these activities are contemplated, ACWM must be contacted first! Violation of the Notice is a misdemeanor punishable by civil penalties of up to $2,500 for each violation[2] or civil liability of up to $10,000 for each violation[3].

Map of Aligatorweed hold areas in Los Angeles County

[1] California Code of Regulations, Title 3, Section 3960

[2] Food and Agricultural Code, Section 5311

[3] Food and Agricultural Code, Section 5310
