This Section serves as a summary of the expectations for County employees’ adherence to the principles and policies contained in this document, which are, to the extent practicable and as appropriate to job duties, responsibilities, authority, ability, and resources, County departments and their employees are expected to:
I. Understand and follow the IPM principles established in this Program including:
- Selecting landscape plants that are drought tolerant and adapted to the local conditions
- Designing and managing landscapes and building perimeters with the goal of preventing pests from getting inside
- Protecting and conserving natural insect predators
- Using pest prevention and exclusion as well as cultural and physical methods to control pests
- Applying pesticides only after monitoring confirms:
- An actual pest is identified as causing the problem or damage
- The number of pests and the amount of damage they are causing is intolerable
- A pesticide application would be effective
- The conditions that caused the pest activity are not likely to stay the same leading to a bigger problem
- There are no viable nonchemical methods that can be used to manage the pest or change the environment to prevent pest problems in the future
II. Manage water wisely and protect Los Angeles County surface water by:
- Using sustainable irrigation practices
- Limiting overhead irrigation
- Using weather-based irrigation controllers
- Performing routine checks of irrigation and sprinklers
- Planting native or drought tolerant plants when practicable
- Reducing turf where appropriate
- Designing landscape areas to minimize or eliminate offsite water runoff
- Using fertilizers responsibly and only when needed
III. Use/store pesticides and fertilizers safely and responsibly by:
- Conducting a pre-application site review
- Using the required pre-application Checklist
- Ensuring all County employees are trained prior to using or handling pesticides
- Ensuring any permits or Written Recommendations are obtained
- Ensuring the application is conducted under the supervision of a Certified Applicator
- Using the lowest risk product at the lowest effective rate
- Not applying or allowing pesticides to drift on impervious surfaces
- Never applying pesticides over standing water or when rain is predicted within 48 hours
- Limiting or eliminating the use of broad spectrum insecticides
- Limiting the amount of pesticides or fertilizers that are stored
- Routinely inspecting pesticide storage areas
- Properly rinsing and disposing of used pesticide containers
- Developing and enforcing a written disciplinary program for County employees for failing to use required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
IV. Help protect Los Angeles County pollinators by:
- Carefully following the PROTECTION OF POLLINATORS statement (if any) on pesticide labels
- Avoiding applications of insecticides when plants are in bloom