The following are all lists of drought tolerant plants that can be referenced when contemplating replacing or establishing a new landscape.
LA County Green Building Program
This site was developed the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning and offers several references for drought tolerant plants, including THE DROUGHT TOLERANT GARDEN – LOS ANGELES COUNTY HANDBOOK, a water efficient turf list and a list of invasive plants to avoid using in your landscape.
WaterSense® An EPA Partnership Program
This site, developed by the US EPA, has a number of plant data bases maintained, including one for southern California. The site also has tips designed with water conservation and efficacy in mind.
Another useful plant listing produced by Los Angeles County, this time by the Public Works Department, gives tips on water smart gardening, irrigation practices and a short listing of recommended drought tolerant plants.
A California Friendly Guide to Native and Drought Tolerant Plants
This list has been put together by the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District. It was prepared primarily for use for homeowners in the Santa Monica Mountains; the plants will survive in most other areas of Los Angeles County as well.
Great California Native Plants
This site was developed by the Metropolitan Water District and it has a listing of 1,000 native plants that would be suitable for planting in many areas of Los Angeles County. The site also has online water wise gardening classes, tips on irrigation, and other programs related to the conservation of water resources.
This list has been developed by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works – Water Works Division. It has Plant Listings for the Topanga/Malibu area down to Marina Del Rey (District #29) as well as other county geographic areas.